4 week Intensive

Helping faith driven divorced women recover and rebuild their life so they can turn their pain into purpose without.

July 13, at 7:16p.m. I wrote in my journal...

“I find myself wanting to talk to women who are in the same place or who have been where I am now.”

I even tried reaching out to divorced women and it didn’t work out. I strongly believe we are not taught the tools to overcome the trauma and devastation of divorce. It’s taboo….because divorce is not supposed to happen and let’s not even mention divorce in the church.

But guess what? It is happening…

Statistics show that 50% of first marriages end in divorce...

60% of 2nd marriages end in divorce

That rate gets higher with each subsequent divorce.

While I had nobody to walk me through the pitfalls, grief and pain, I knew I had to find my way one step at a time to chase my healing and restoration.

I remember thinking to myself:

“I need a divorce coach!”

I’ve spent over 6 years healing and recovering to get up and live again, to get up and hope again, to get up and love again, to get up and forgive again, to get up and breath again.

I was devastated but not destroyed! So here I am because I don’t want another woman to feel what I experienced in the darkest hour of her life. I want to empower you to do the work and use the tools you need to go from the crying in the corner nights of despair to discovering the new you.

This 4 week intensive will ignite your torch to illuminate your journey to leave a legacy of your pain turned into purpose.



This intensive is a safe private community of faith driven women who are ready to:

Face the stigma and shame of divorce

Take off the mask so you can feel, deal and heal

Peel back the layers of grief

Utilize effective tools to overcome mindset challenges that keep them stuck

Take action and establish new boundaries

Take action and establish core values



You will get:

Access to a safe private FB community, one hour weekly coaching call, a results oriented B.E. W.H.O.L.E blueprint, self paced
and accountability program:

  • Introduction

  • B.E.W.H.O.L.E Framework

  • I'm think I'm losing my mind!

  • Grief work

  • Now who am I?

  • S.M.A.R.T goals

  • and so much more....

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