The EstHER Experience:

For Such a time as this!

Saturday, June 10, 2023 8:00 PM PKT

YES! I’m ready to get FREE!

One of the keys to my success after going through a divorce has been untangling the mess of my past. This required me to face some of the not so pretty parts of my life that kept me abandoning my authentic self and who God called me to be.

Let me share this with you.

You are struggling and feeling confused, angry, disappointed because you need help learning how to process and release the negative emotions that are keeping you stuck in your pain.

If you find that your life has become hopeless and frustrating and you have lost who you are, it’s time for you to face your fears. Unfortunately, time will not heal your wounds. What you do with your time as you are going through a divorce that makes all the difference. Let’s get you off the emotional hamster wheel so you can prioritize what matters most to you and get your life back!

Listen sis, I’ve been there hoping somebody could just take me out of my misery. I needed somebody to walk me through a journey to heal. I wanted to be validated, seen and heard, but struggled big time with trusting that it was even possible.

If I just let time heal my wounds

I should be ok, right?

How is that working for you?

You continue to justify your toxic emotions hoping your wasband will pay for what he did to you. The truth is, you will remain stuck if you are waiting for that to happen…….

You need the EstHER Experience! When I finally decided to lean into my healing journey and draw close to the Lord to be free, I realized I had to be intentional and focus on making the necessary changes to be a BETTER ME.

Now, I’m gathering women to walk with you for a day especially set aside for you to receive healing and walk forward toward your transformation. This is a time such as this to help you get UNSTUCK so you can start to recover and rebuild that courageous life God designed just for you.

The EstHER Experience is for you if: uc

● You are ready to release insecurity and felling unworthy

● You are ready to pick up your pieces to be whole

● You are exhausted with feeling lost and confused about your future

● You feel overwhelmed by the emotional hamster wheel

● You are ready to make peace with the pain from your past

● You are ready to stop suffering in silence

● You are ready to run towards your new found hope, joy and future

● You are ready to take back your identity and walk in your purpose

If this sounds like you, the EstHER Experience was designed with you in mind.

Sis, nobody gets married to get divorced. You never saw your life with your husband ending the way it did. It feels like all your future dreams and plans have been washed away making you think life is over. But can I submit to you, your best days are ahead of you.

How would it feel to:

🌷 Break down the barriers of shame and guilt from other people's opinions?

🌷Take off the superwoman cape and be vulnerable so you can heal?

🌷Be celebrated and honored for taking the courageous leap of faith?

🌷Experience the embrace and love the Father has just for you?

🌷Get ready as Fee “The Torchbearer” brings women together to cultivate a sisterhood of fun, fellowship and renewed hope to live again beyond the pain of divorce.

Here is what you’ll get

  • A safe and confidential environment to support your journey

  • Courageous Talk for Courageous Women

  • Foot Washing Ceremony

  • Light Refreshments

  • Help picking up your pieces to walk in wholeness/peace again.


CEO of SCourageous Coaching

Join The Torchbearer and Divorce Recovery Specialist Felicia Roberts for a unforgettable and unique experience!

Space is extremely limited to 10 participants for this intimate experience


CEO of SCourageous Coaching

What you will need:

● A willing heart to be open to the move of God

● A open mind that is ready to learn and grow

● Your most burning questions for topics about healing, dating, finances etc.

Your days of crying in the corner nights are over!

Can’t wait to see you there.


Shoot me a message at: [email protected]

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