Terms of Use


These Terms of Service govern your use of Felicia Roberts Enterprise LLC’s website, mobile applications, and other online services. By accessing or using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms.

Coaching Services:

Felicia Roberts Enterprise LLC offers coaching services for women. Our coaches will work with you to set and achieve your personal and professional goals but we do not guarantee results.

Book Purchases:

Our website may offer books for sale authored by our coaches. By purchasing a book through our website, you agree to the terms of sale and shipping policies.

Speaking Events:

Felicia Roberts Enterprise LLC may host speaking events featuring our coaches. By registering for or attending these events, you agree to abide by any event-specific terms and conditions.

Intellectual Property:

All content on our website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of Felicia Roberts Enterprise LLC and is protected by copyright laws. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute any content from our website without our prior written consent.

Limitation of Liability:

All content on our website, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of Felicia Roberts Enterprise LLC and is protected by copyright laws. You may not use, reproduce, or distribute any content from our website without our prior written consent.

Governing Law:

These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Virginia, without regard to its conflict of law principles

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at 303 847-3735


© 2024 Felicia Roberts Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved.